I. Respond to the following prompts. This will just be for you - you won't have to share these responses with anyone.
Gender Identity:
-For you, what does the word “Gender” mean?
-Write about a time you felt completely comfortable in your assigned gender.
-Write about a time you felt completely uncomfortable in your assigned gender.
Sexual Orientation:
-What does the phrase "Sexual Orientation" mean to you? Does everyone have one?
-Write about a time you felt very clear about your sexual orientation.
-Write about a time you felt very confused about your sexual orientation.
(Intersectionality refers to the ways in which systems of oppression and systems of privilege intersect in our own lives.)
-Write about a time that your assigned gender intersected with (or was affected by) another aspect (or multiple aspects) of your identity - could be sexual orientation, body image, race, class, ability/disability, or something else - to intensify a situation? Describe how these two (or more) aspects of your identity intersected, and how this affected you and the situation. (An example might be that you experienced discrimination based on both your race and gender in a particular situation - or perhaps the opposite you experienced a particular privilege based on both your race and gender.)
II. Watch the following short video clips and write at least five words that come to mind for each video - could be any five words that come to your mind:
1. Gender Fluidity:
2. Kate Bornstein:
Just watch from 1:00 to 2:52
3. Lizzo:
Discussing receiving praise for being body positive as opposed to thinner women getting put down for the same thing.
Just watch from 21:00 to 22:00
4. DV8 Dancetheater
5. What Kind of Asian Are You:
III. Read through everything you've written for this assignment (your responses to the prompts and the videos). Circle words or sections that seem the most interesting and electrically charged to you. You don't have to understand why they stand out, they can just stand out! Using these circled words, write a new 12-line poem, following the same instructions as the last 12-line poem (see instructions still posted on Course Materials). Bring this poem to class with you on Monday 3/2. We'll call this your "12-line Gender/Intersectionality Poem."
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