• The Due date is Thursday, May 28, 2020 before 23:59 pm. No late assignments will be accepted without sufficient advanced noticed and a legitimate, documented reason.
• Your assignment has to be submitted as a single pdf file on Culearn at the due date.
• For questions that require SPSS, you must include all relevant outputs with your assignment.
• For written questions, show all of your work. No credit will be given for answers without justification.
EXERCISE 1: The 37◦ Celsius standard for human body temperature was derived by a German doctor in
1868. In an attempt to verify his claim, Mackowiak, Wasserman, and Levine 1
took temperatures from 148
healthy people over a three-day period. A data set closely matching the one in Mackowiak’s article was derived
by Allen Shoemaker, and appears in the Journal of Statistics Education2
. The body temperatures for these 130
individuals are listed in the file: Ex1.xls.
1. What is the experimental unit?
2. What is the measured variable? Is it qualitative or quantitative? Continuous or discrete?
3. Using SPSS, construct the relative frequency histogram.
4. Describe the shape of the distribution of temperatures.
5. Are there any unusual observations? Can you think of any explanation for these?
6. Locate the 37◦
standard on the horizontal axis of the graph. Does it appear to be near the centre of the
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