A. Concepts
1. Using appropriate diagrams, illustrate the development and meaning of random sampling distribution of means.
Why are random sampling
distributions used in null hypothesis significance testing?
What is the meaning of the
following terms/phrases: a. statistical significance b. type 1 eyror
c. relative frequency d. percentile rank e. p is less than 0.001
Suppose a researcher rejects the null hypothesis, does this
mean that the alternative hypothesis is true and it is therefore confirmed?
Explain the following:
(a)...John's percentile rank is 75 (b)..the relative frequency yes/affirmative
votes is 0.40. (c) ..the odds of displaying autism in this population is 0.10.
A. What % of scores would be
higher than Man/s if her percentile rank is 65? B. What is likelihood that
Shane would obtain a score above the 80th percentile? Justify your
answers by using relevant
diagrams and state your assumptions.
What is the likelihood of
obtaining each of the following scores given the corresponding mean and
standard deviation of the distribution: a. score= 25, mean=12, sd=2.5;
score=36, mean=30,sd=5. Show how you arrive at your answers.
Explain the following: a.
Analyses indicate that the relation between pain tolerance for men (b= -0.02)
and for women (b=O.31). b. response speed at maximal stimulus strength
Explain the following:
"...with regard to perceived confidence, workshop attendees felt more
confident (t(89)=5.28,p<O.001)..."
10. What are similarities and differences between odds ratio and
regression coefficients?
B. Computer Application:
Develop a Variable and Data View.
Submit the files.
Conduct (a) an independent samples T-Test, (b) a regression analysis using MCAT Science
scores as the outcome (dependent) and ACT composite as the predictor
(independent) and (c) a correlation analysis.
Submit the outputs.
Examine the 4 assumptions of regression and those for using the T-
Test. Submit graphical outputs and your
interpretations thereof.
Write a report. ( Include: Hypotheses, levels of
significance, conclusion).
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