Instructions for the Research Report Assignment
Jonathan Rich, Ph.D.
Write a brief research report (up to about 7 pages, not
including title page, abstract, and references), based on an analysis of the
data file (DATA540.SAV in Resources). These
data were collected online. There are 200 male participants and 200 female
participants, each in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender. The
participants were asked questions about themselves and they were also asked
questions about their romantic partner.
They answered the following information about both themselves
and their partner:
Gender, Occupation, Annual Income, Age, Education.
They answered the following questions only about themselves:
Financial comfort (1=Comfortable, 2=Struggling), Home Zip
Code, Type of Relationship (Married, Long-Term Committed, etc.), Relationship
Happiness (1-5 scale).
They also responded to three scales measuring dimensions of
financial personality. These scales each have 12 items that are rated from 1 to
5, so the scores can range from 12 to 60:
Lifestyle (L): The degree to which the participant seeks a
luxurious, free-spending lifestyle.
Dependence (D): The degree to which the participant looks to
others for financial support.
Risk-Taking (R): The degree to which the participant is
comfortable with financial risks in investments and career.
You can see the survey online at this link:
Choose a hypothesis, cite at least three references to
justify your hypothesis, test your hypothesis with an analysis of the data, and
then report and discuss the results.
Use APA format, including an abstract, introduction, method,
results, and discussion section. An
outline of this format can be found at:
Here are the steps you would go through to write your
1) Look over the file variables and come up with a tentative
question that could be answered by analyzing those variables. Search the literature ( and
the school’s data base subscriptions are easy ways to do this) for support of
your question. Look for support of
similar questions, and then use this as an argument for your hypothesis. If you can’t find literature that supports
your hypothesis, try another hypothesis.
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