Write a linear expression for paying night by night using your variable from part a. How much will it cost to stay 3 nights? How much will it cost to stay 9 nights?



MATH 106 Module 3 Group Challenge Problem Discussion

Resorts-R-Us charges $ 125 a night to rent a suite. If you purchase their oneyear membership fee for $350, you only pay $75 a night. 

a) Think about which is the better deal. What does it depend on? Hint: that will be your variable in your expressions.

b) Write a linear expression for paying night by night using your variable from part a. How much will it cost to stay 3 nights? How much will it cost to stay 9 nights?

c) Write a linear expression for purchasing the membership package using your variable from part a. How much will it cost to stay 3 nights? How much will it cost to stay 9 nights?

d) Use a graphing tool as discussed in the Course Specific Information Module that shows both expressions on the same axes. Export your labeled graph and attach as a separate file. Do not link to it.

e) Using your graph, which is the better deal? Explain why in several sentences.

f) Use your expressions from parts b and c to compute the break-even point. Is it the same as on your graph? Why or why not.


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