Write the information about your company, your outreach program, and your fundraising event in three brief, single-spaced paragraphs. Align each paragraph on the left margin, and double space one time between paragraphs. Do not write more than one page.





TO: [Type the Individual Name or a Group Title, e.g. Department Chairs]


FROM: [Type Your Name Here, You may add your position)


DATE: [Write in Standard format: Month, DD, YYYY]


RE: [Describe your purpose here]


[Place your greeting here if you use one, e.g. Dear Department Chairs:]


[Write the information about your company, your outreach program, and your fundraising event in three brief, single-spaced paragraphs.  Align each paragraph on the left margin, and double space one time between paragraphs. Do not write more than one page.]


[Paragraph #1— Describe the business and its mission and explain how the selected outreach program and annual event align with the company’s mission]


[Paragraph #2— Describe what this community outreach program will look like and what needs it has been developed to serve, include the target audience of this program.]


[Paragraph #3— Describe the annual event that your business will sponsor to raise funds for your community outreach program. Include what the event is, where it will be held, when (time and day), and why your business is supporting this event)]

















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