For your comparative ID assignment, choose ONE PAIR from the choices below. This paper will be composed of ONLY THREE paragraphs. In paragraph ONE, define the first term in the pair (who, what, where, when). Then, in the last sentence of paragraph one, note the SIGNIFICANCE of the first term (what future impact it had on history). Then, begin the second paragraph. In paragraph TWO you will define the second term in the pair (who, what, where, when). Then, in the last sentence of paragraph two, note the SIGNIFICANCE of the second term (what future impact it had on history). Then in paragraph THREE – the most important because it contains the most number of points - discuss in an analytical yet succinct fashion the connection or link between the two terms. Be sure to include the most significant aspect of the interconnection, not just the obvious ones. USE DATES. You must use your text and at least two other sources, one for each item in the pair, to construct your comparison. Cite your work and follow APA format and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document, as an attachment. Choose ONE PAIR only of the choices below: Geary Act and Fong yue Ting v United States Social Reform and City Beautiful Movement Yellow Journalism and Joseph Pulitzer Mary Elizabeth lease and Gilded Age Stalwarts and Mugwumps Civil service reform and Pendleton Civil Service Act Munn v Illinois and McKinley Tariff Cleveland and Harrison US v Reese and Plessy v Ferguson Women's suffrage and Grange Movement Eugene V Debs and Coxey's Army
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