You are stuck in your room during this Movement Control Restriction (MCO) period and trying to decide whether you should watch the movie “Godzilla" or not. You ask your close friends Desmond and Irdina, who watched the movie to hear their opinions abo

computer science



You are stuck in your room during this Movement Control Restriction (MCO) period and trying to decide whether you should watch the movie “Godzilla" or not. You ask your close friends Desmond and Irdina, who watched the movie to hear their opinions about the movie. Desmond gave a rating of 2 and Irdina gave a rating of 10. Ratings leaning more towards the positive indicate that particular movie is good. Given these ratings, it is difficult for you to decide if it is worth watching the movie, but thankfully, you have kept a table of their ratings for some movies in the past. For each movie, you also noted whether you liked the movie or not. Maybe you can use this data to decide if you should watch 'Godzilla'. The data look like this:



Desmond’s rating

Irdina’s rating

Your preference













Black Widow










With this in mind, you decided to use a Single Layer Perceptron of the Artificial Neural

Network method to figure out whether you should watch “Godzilla” or not. A general single layer perceptron is shown in Figure 1 as reference.



Figure 1: Single layer perceptron



a.    State whether this is a supervised or unsupervised learning. Give reasons for your answer.



b.    Is this a regression or classification problem? If you think it is a regression problem, then what are we trying to regress? Similarly, what are we trying to classify?



c.    How many layers would your Neural Network (NN) have?



d.    How many inputs (denoted as ?) and corresponding weights (denoted as ?) does that NN have?



e.    Draw the single layer perceptron and label the inputs ? and weights ?.



f.      Write the mathematical expression for the summation function.



g.    Write the mathematical expression for the activation function. Assume the activation function is a ?????? function with a threshold value at 0.



h.    If we use the ?????? function as the activation function, how do we represent the class ‘No’ and ‘Yes’?



i.      Given ?????, ? = [4, −2], calculate the result of the summation function for when the inputs are given by “Godzilla”.




j.      Using the result from the previous question (i), calculate the result of the activation function (the output of the NN) for “Godzilla”.




k.    Does the result of the activation function crosses the ??????? = 0?



l.      With this results, what can you say about the NN’s prediction? Does the NN predict that you will like the movie “Godzilla”? 

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