
SEE 2005 Online – The
Business of Sports
Term Research Project
& Presentation
must select a professional sports team/organization to research and then post a
narrated power point presentation on the topic to the class.
- Team or organization can be located
internationally; you are not limited to franchises within the United
student will comment on three (3) presentations.
student will select a topic during the term, provide a check-in week 5 and
submit project and presentations during Week 10 of the term.
Presentations must be professional
in nature and include the following:
- Select a professional sports organization
and provide a historical overview of the team.
- Identify and provide detailed
information on the league this team belongs to? (i.e Name of governing
body – NFL, MLS, NBA, etc.)
- Identify the team owner/s? How long has this individual/group owned
the organization? How has the organization changed since this individual/group
purchased the team?
- Identify the General Manager. How long has this
individual served as the GM? What is his/her background?
- Facility information: Include the following:
of organization’s home facility
of facility and date it was built
capacity of facility
unique design features of venue
has the facility incorporated new trends?
- Name three (3) unique sports marketing trends has
the organization used to reach its fans? Provide examples of each trend.
- Describe and provide examples
of three (3) ways the organization generates ancillary revenue.
- Describe one ethical or legal
issue the organization has faced and explain how they handled the