You will have 2 hours to complete this exam, so take your time and make your answers as thorough as possible. Refer to your notes from guest speakers, lectures and power points.



COMM 4415 Final Exam.


Instructions: You will have 2 hours to complete this exam, so take your time and make your answers as thorough as possible. Refer to your notes from guest speakers, lectures and power points.

When answering, try to put yourself in the position of the manager. What would you do? What departments would you deal with? What staff and other managers would you be involved with? What’s the best course of action?

Once again make your answers as thorough and detailed as possible. (150-300) words)


1)      You are a Sales Manager of a radio or TV station, and tasked with taking your sales team to visit a prospective new client. Your first step is to perform a “Needs Analysis” what are ten (10) questions you might ask your potential new client? (Doug Amore and Michelle Mulligan)


2)      You have just been hired as a General Manager of a TV station and it’s time for a change. Describe what your course of action would be. What departments and department managers will you meet with? (name all the departments and managers) What will you discuss? What changes might you affect? What will be some of your biggest challenges? (name 3) (John Hitchcock)


3)      The Production Manager of a radio or TV station wears many hats. (not real hats) You are tasked with putting to together a campaign for a new client. Describe what the process would be? What tasks you would need to complete in order to get the production complete and on the air? Walk us through the process. (Heather Dostert)


4)      The Operations Manager position is critical to day to day running of any TV station. Name five responsibilities that an Operations Manager is tasked with. What and who are they in charge of? What are the challenges? What are good skill sets to have? Be specific. (Dave, Joe, ESPN)


5)      Station Managers as well as Sales Managers have come to the realization that TV and Radio cannot survive on their own merits. Two of our speakers mentioned that only about 34% of traditional broadcast media is heard or seen by the audience. What other forms of media have been added to traditional campaigns to make them more effective, and reach a younger audience? What type of value-added elements are now being offered by radio and TV stations? (Doug Amore) Name 3 and describe what they do?


6)      Social Media Management is one of the fastest growing career opportunities in today’s media marketplace. Name and describe three skill sets you feel a Social Media Manager needs to be successful. What are the challenges? (Theresa Noble House)


7)      Name three Social Media Tools that can be utilized to schedule Social Media Campaign posts.


8)      You are a Social Media Manager; how would you describe the differences between SEO and SEM to your client.


9)      You are a Sales Manager for a radio or TV Station and you must justify the pricing of your advertising. What kind of research or “Numbers“ would you share with your clients in order to show them they are getting a good value or ROI? Where would you get this information and what service or company would provide you with this information? How would you describe how this information was obtained?


10)  This was a great class! Why did you enjoy it? What might you do differently? (10 free points)


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