I failed the assignment - please rewrite on the one I submitted - don't change the idea - add more , read the feedback and modify accordingly - see below
(ur Turnitin score is down considerably and this is very positive. However, your mark is a reflection of not fully reading and understanding the assignment. First of all, it is Ontario based not Federal, second, you need to generate a list of conditions fully and then analyze to identify the top 3 with strategies and a lead agency. Your recommendations and descriptions are very generalized.)
we have to address every question ? every question worth one mark should be direct and brief ? attache is my work and feed back got 56%
Purpose | Comments The purpose of the brief should include: your role as a healthcare consultant for Children's Mental Health Ontario, presentation of the current state of mental health and youth, the recommendation of 3 conditions and strategies, the lead agency and the audience being the DM for the upcoming Ontario election. | 0.5 / 1.5 pts |
Background | Comments In this section, you have nicely outlined the impact of mental health on social well-being, chronic health conditions and lifetime impact. You have not outlined the various mental health conditions, trends, incidences, prevalence and the organizations that currently have strategies. | 3.5 / 6 pts |
Analysis | Comments Your analysis presents a good chart with general strategies but fails to analyze the reasons for these top conditions and the rural/urban lens or an actual dollar value on funding. The organizations are not Ontario based they are are national or local. The strategies have to be more specific to plans and actions. | 3.5 / 6 pts |
Recommendations | Comments The recommendation should identify the 3 top priorities for the Province of Ontario to focus on in the next 3 years and highlight the top organization to lead strategy change in each priority area. This is directly from the assignment description. | 0.5 / 1.5 pts |
the assignment
Youth mental health issues have reached an all-time high where between 15-25% of Canadians will experience at least one mental health problem prior to age 19 years. The diagnosis of a mental health condition increased the likelihood of a second episode or chronic disorder therefore leading to potential barriers for school completion, employment preparation, independent living and healthy relationships. Unfortunately,
added to this burden of disease is delayed diagnosis and lack of access to treatment. Mental illness is associated with increased risks of other health problems like chronic cardio-vascular disease and poorly controlled type-II Diabetes. Psycho-social issues such as unemployment, incarceration and poverty are higher among people with mental illness. There are poorer treatment outcomes often due to lack of resources in
among populations in rural and isolated communities, low socio-economic groups and people of visible minorities.
In the last 5 years, both provincial and federal agencies have provided funding and resources to initiate strategies to reduce youth and child mental illness through prevention and early treatment intervention. These projects often require a collaborative effort among health care professionals, policy makes, educators, family services, parents and community organizations.
Briefing Note:
You are a health care strategy consultant whose previous projects have included developing public awareness campaigns, creating strategic community partnerships and aligning regional health services. You have been asked by Children’s Mental Health Ontario (www.cmho.org) to summarize the mental health issues for youth
aged 12-19 year in both urban and rural settings in Ontario and to recommend 3 top priorities for the Province of Ontario to focus on in the next 3 years. There are 100 organizations that currently form Children’s Mental Health Ontario and in addition to determining the health care priorities, you will need to highlight the top organization to lead strategy change in each priority area. This brief will be presented to the Deputy Minister of Health to determine if the Minister of Health will open the issue for discussion in Parliament to secure support for dedicated funding prior to the next election.
Your Briefing Note must include the following elements:
Purpose: In a sentence or two, succinctly state the purpose of your note. Remember to keep in mind what your audience will need to know to make an informed decision.
-Briefly define and summarize the state current knowledge of Youth Mental Health conditions and treatment including defining the prevalence and incidence of significant conditions, the potential risk factors, treatment strategies and population need.
-Address the circumstances that have contributed to increased awareness of youth mental health conditions and what strategies other jurisdictions have undertaken to manage increasing rates of mental illness in youth.
-Identify the trends, gaps and unique impact of mental health issues in rural versus urban centres and why this may be occurring.
-Describe the impact that youth mental health conditions have on lifetime prevalence of disease, ability to attain independence and the overall impact on family function and structure.
-Identify the societal issues that may impacted by increased youth mental health conditions including the education system, the legal system, the health system and the housing and transport systems.
-Identify the organizations that are currently working towards positive strategies to combat, resolve or reduce youth mental health disorders.
1.What are the most significant youth mental health conditions that should be considered the top priority for Ontarians and the government?
2. What strategies would you recommend for each condition?
3. What strategies will need to be customized for rural versus urban initiatives, if you believe this is needed.
4. What approximate funding envelope would advance each strategy.
5. Who are the key organizations that the government should consider funding to lead the strategy development of your recommendations.
6. What the risks and benefits of your recommendation
Based on your background and analysis, which top 3 conditions and strategies would you prioritize for the next 3 years.
Instructions for Submission of Briefing Notes:
Word Count: 800-1000 words not including appendices or references.
Your paper should be submitted in doubled spaced format.
References format: APA style.
Due: Midnight of due date.
Please see course outline for information on penalties for late submissions and process for extension applications.
Additional Resources:
1. Please review the Global TV interview
from the Youth Perspective2. Valuable websites:
- https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca
- www.CMHO.org
3. White Papers and Reports
- Changing Directions, Changing Lives: The Mental Health Strategy for Canada, 2012
- Current Issues in Mental Health in Canada: Children and Youth Mental Health, March 5, 2014, Martha Butler and Melissa Pang
4. Articles that may be of interest to your research
- Clarke et al, A Systematic Review of Online Youth Mental Health Promotion and Prevention Interventions, Journal of Youth and Adolescence , January 2015 Volume, 44(Issue1)Page, p.90-113
- S. Stewart et al, Predicting length of stay and readmission for psychiatric inpatient youth admitted to adult mental health beds in Ontario, Canada, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19, No. 2, 2014, pp. 115–1
Malla et al, From early intervention in psychosis to youth mental health reform: a review of the evolution and transformation of mental health services for young people, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2016) 51:319–326
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
Purpose State the purpose of the note, the audience , the relevance and what will be delivered. | |||
Background | |||
Analysis | |||
Recommendations | |||
Total Points: 15.0 |