A book store wants to develop a system to add/remove readers, add/remove books, track books rented and returned from registered readers and show book store information. In order to endure books rented and returned, your program will need to track books an

computer science


Name:                ______________________________________

Student #:         ______________________________________


SODV 1202

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Spring 2020

Assignment 01

Instructor: Mahbub Murshed

Date: July 23, 2020




·         Written questions can be submitted on paper or scanned and submitted by dropbox. Answers should be written clearly and coherently. Programming questions can be submitted using compressed zip or rar format.

·         Assignments must be submitted by the posted due date, or be subject to the course’s late policy. Work must be completed individually and in accordance with the academic integrity policy.

·         For all written questions, you may assume that any necessary using directives are included.



Written Questions


/ 10


/ 10


/ 10

Programming Questions


/ 20


/ 50


/ 100



Assignment 1: Written Questions



Give concise answers to the following questions

/ 10


What is the importance of using properties in a C# program?









/ 4


When local objects occupies memory compile time or run time? Explain.









/ 4+2


Design a class representing a superstore item. You don’t need to write implementations for any member functions, just list any public or private field, property, or method declarations you think may be needed.







/ 10



3.      In the following function implementation there are 5 syntax errors. Mark the errors in the code below with a circled number corresponding to the spaces provided, and either briefly explain why it is an error or give a fix for it.

public class Vector


    public double X { get; set; }

    public double Y { get; set; }




        X = Y = 0;



    public double Magnitude()


        Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);




class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        var v = new Vector { X = 1, Y = 2 };

        double magnitude = v.Magnitude;




1) Syntax Error:




2) Syntax Error:





3) Syntax Error:






4) Syntax Error:





5) Syntax Error: 




/ 10

Assignment 1: Book Store




Write a program that manages a simple Book Store by utilizing the Object Oriented Programming Architecture.




A book store wants to develop a system to add/remove readers, add/remove books, track books rented and returned from registered readers and show book store information. In order to endure books rented and returned, your program will need to track books and readers. A reader can rent maximum 2 (two) books and he/she can rent a book if it is available to the store and not rented by other readers. The store can remove any book if the book is not already rented to someone. The store can also remove a reader, however, to remove a reader, all books rented by him/her must be returned before otherwise, the system will generate an error message. Your program must track each books and every readers. Implement your book store program can be done by the following steps:


1.      Create a Book class.

a.      Add fields for the book’s name, serial and status. (Assume, book names can be same, however will always differ by the serial number. i.e. together book name and serial will be unique! )

b.      Add a constructor that initializes every book’s fields with given values.

c.       Add a function to check the availability of a book.

d.      Add a function to rent a book.

e.      Add a function to return a book.

f.        Finally, add a function to show book information.

2.      Create a Reader class.

a.      Add fields for the reader’s name, and a list of books. (Assume each reader name is unique. i.e. there are no two readers in the book store with the same name.)

b.      Add a constructor that initializes reader’s name and to create an empty list of books.

c.       Add a function to rent a book and add the book to the reader’s list.

d.      Add a function to return a book and remove the book from the list.

e.      Finally, add a function to show reader information.

3.      Create a BookStore class.

a.      Add fields in order to store the list of books and the list of readers for the book store.

b.      Add a constructor to initializes all lists to empty list.

c.       Add a method for adding a reader to the store.

d.      Add a method for removing a reader from the store. (to remove a reader, all books rented by him/her must be returned first!)

e.      Add a method for adding a book to the store.

f.        Add a method to remove a book from the store. (to remove a book, it should be available in the store, otherwise, program should issue an error message!)

g.      Add a method to rent a book for a reader.

h.      Add a method to return a book from a reader.

i.        Finally, add a method to show bookstore information.





This assignment has 3 main components, assigned marks as follows:




Written Questions


Code Quality


Code Functionality





Marks for written questions are indicated beside each question.


For the program code, same activity submission rubrics will be used. Please read the Rubrics in d2l for more information. To get full marks for quality, code must be readable, well documented, and well designed according to standard practices.


Functionality will be tested with standard automated tests. Students are also encouraged to run their own tests on their code.



Related Questions in computer science category

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