A diagram of your circuit (you can submit a hand sketch, use powerpoint, or use tinkercad (tindercad.com) to create the diagram) as an image




Your code has the following characteristics:

·         Has an ultrasound distance sensor on pins 12 and 13

·         Has an RGB LED on pins 9, 10, and 11

·         Has two functions,

o   getdistance (from the lab) which sends a pulse from the ultrasound sensor, measures the echo time and returns the distance of the nearest object,

o   checkdistance, which uses the distance to determine the appropriate color of the LED (red for close, then orange, yellow, green, blue as the object moves further away).  In this function you will need to determine what distances you will set for each color transition.  You may also need to vary the values sent to each pin on the RGB LED to get the right colors.

Data Collection

Once your code is compiled and uploaded to your Arduino, run the Arduino.  You can use your hand as the object.  Move it from the close to far and observe the color changes from redàblue


In Gradescope (https://www.gradescope.com/) you should submit the following files:

1.      Your Arduino Code

2.      A diagram of your circuit (you can submit a hand sketch, use powerpoint, or use tinkercad (tindercad.com) to create the diagram) as an image

3.      A flow chart diagraming your code (you can do this by hand, with powerpoint, or with https://www.draw.io/ )

4.      A short video demonstrating your code and circuit running and explaining what is happening.  You can also attend office hours Thursday or Friday to demonstrate your code. Items 1, 2, and 3 should already be in gradescope (submitted on time) before visiting office hours.

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