According to George H. Mead, the ability to develops as children learn to play and to take part in game

online quiz


According to George H. Mead, the ability to ____________ develops as children learn to play and to take part in games.
role make
role take
role over
role reverse
role model
1 point   

Alex is planning on making her first million dollars before she reaches 25 years of age. Though still in high school, she subscribes to the Wall Street Journal, carries a brief case, and invests her allowance with a stockbroker. Moreover, she insists on wearing business suits—even to track practice. She is thoroughly engaged in
status nonconformity.
anticipatory socialization.
role conflict.
youthful games.
play, or simple imitative behaviors.
1 point   

Elizabeth lived at home with her parents until she graduated from high school. Then she joined the Marines. As she looks back on it, Elizabeth reflects that "during basic training, I became a whole new person. I was no longer Elizabeth Jones but Private Jones. I learned to dress, talk, eat, sleep and march like a Marine." What Elizabeth is describing is the process that sociologists refer to as
secondary socialization.
anticipatory socialization.
peer group reorganization.
1 point   

Billy Joel has noticed that people seem to like his singing. He thinks: "People smile when I sing, I must be a good singer. I feel good about that." His thinking reflects the dynamics of what Cooley called the
looking glass self.
transparent self.
reflective self.
id and the superego.
Gemeinschaften self.
1 point   

René Spitz's comparison of infants raised in orphanages and infants raised in a prison nursery suggested that
with respect to the child's development, having a mother in prison is worse than having no mother at all.
it does not matter what type of setting infants are raised in, most will grow up normally.
social isolation need not be extreme to have an impact on children's development.
Freud was correct in stressing the importance of the id.
infants raised in institutions controlled by the government will not thrive.
1 point  

Despite being a frequent topic of discussion, social class is often an overlooked source of diversity. When it comes to socialization, does the parent's social class have an effect on the way in which they social their children? Why or why not? (Hint: Be sure to consider the evidence provided on pages 160 and 161.)

 According to George H. Mead, the ability to ____________ develops as children learn to play and to take part in games.
role make
role take
role over
role reverse
role model
1 point   

Alex is planning on making her first million dollars before she reaches 25 years of age. Though still in high school, she subscribes to the Wall Street Journal, carries a briefcase, and invests her allowance with a stockbroker. Moreover, she insists on wearing business suits—even to track practice. She is thoroughly engaged in
status nonconformity.
anticipatory socialization.
role conflict.
youthful games.
play, or simple imitative behaviors.
1 point   

Elizabeth lived at home with her parents until she graduated from high school. Then she joined the Marines. As she looks back on it, Elizabeth reflects that "during basic training, I became a whole new person. I was no longer Elizabeth Jones but Private Jones. I learned to dress, talk, eat, sleep and march like a Marine." What Elizabeth is describing is the process that sociologists refer to as
secondary socialization.
anticipatory socialization.
peer group reorganization.
1 point   

Billy Joel has noticed that people seem to like his singing. He thinks: "People smile when I sing, I must be a good singer. I feel good about that." His thinking reflects the dynamics of what Cooley called the
looking glass self.
transparent self.
reflective self.
id and the superego.
Gemeinschaften self.
1 point   

René Spitz's comparison of infants raised in orphanages and infants raised in a prison nursery suggested that
with respect to the child's development, having a mother in prison is worse than having no mother at all.
it does not matter what type of setting infants are raised in, most will grow up normally.
social isolation need not be extreme to have an impact on children's development.
Freud was correct in stressing the importance of the id.
infants raised in institutions controlled by the government will not thrive.
1 point  

Despite being a frequent topic of discussion, social class is often an overlooked source of diversity. When it comes to socialization, does the parent's social class have an effect on the way in which they social their children? Why or why not? (Hint: Be sure to consider the evidence provided on pages 160 and 161.)


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