What is the total Gross Monthly Salary for all employees? Format answer as comma style, 0 decimal.

online quiz



Excel Assignment questions

1.       What is the total Gross Monthly Salary for all employees? Format answer as comma style, 0 decimal.


2. What is the total monthly deduction for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal?


3. What is the total net monthly salary for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal?



4. What is the total rating bonus for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal?



5. What is the total education bonus for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal?



6. What is the total department bonus for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal?



7. What is the total province bonus for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal? 


8.  What is the total bilingual bonus for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal? 


9. What is the total net pay plus bonuses for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal? 


10. What is the total net pay plus bonuses for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal? 


11.  Use Nested If to complete the following: If the City is North York, enter 100, if the City is Scarborough, enter 150, if the City is Markham, enter 125, otherwise enter 75.

What is the total of all the City bonuses for all employees? Format the answer as comma style, 0 decimal? 


12.  Use AVERAGEIFS to calculate the average Gross Monthly Salary for male employees with a Rating of 9 and an Education of 5 who are bilingual. Format as comma style, 0 decimal.


13. Use the SUMIFS function to calculate the total Gross Monthly Salary for female employees with a Rating of 8 and an Education of 3 who are from Department D. Format as comma style, 0 decimal.

14.  Use the COUNTIFS function to calculate the number of female, bilingual employees who have a gross monthly salary of more than 5000. 


15. Use the COUNTIFS function to calculate the number of male employees from department D who are not bilingual. 


16. Use the SUMIFS function to calculate the total Gross Monthly Salary for employees who have an Education of 3 or more and a rating of 7 or more.


17.  Use the AVERAGEIFS function to calculate the average Rating for male bilingual employees who are from BC. Format as 1 decimal.


18.  What is the lowest gross monthly salary? Format as comma style, 0 decimal.


19. What is row number which contains the lowest gross monthly salary?


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