Assignment for Data Science requires TABLEAU (Solved)

data mining


Assignment for Data Science requires TABLEAU

MIS0855: Data Science

 Assignment 3: Cleaning a Data Set

 Task: You have done such a good job with forecasting and cleaning data from Vandelay Industries that they have asked you to do some further cleaning of their data. The sales group is suspicious that there might be errors in the data for January. You will be working with a new set of 3,296 orders with 5,182 line items from January 2014. The data is in a file called “VandelayJan2014.xlsx.” A “line item” is just an order for a specified number of a particular product – there can be multiple line items per order. You’ll be looking for errors in the data in several places: 1) Errors in the product names. 2) Errors in the promotional codes. 3) Errors in the total product price

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