Coaching program in a financial institution: Reflections on a coaching program on middle level leadership



Title: Coaching program in a financial institution: Reflections on a coaching program on middle level leadership 

Introduction (300 words max)


There is literature on the coaching for leadership.


Background of study (700 words)


This study will use coaching and examine how it affects the employee of a financial institution.  To look for literature that is on the impact and effective of a leadership coaching program.


Look at various definitions of the terms:


- executive leadership – coaching , leader, financial


Conceptual framework:


- quantitative studies to examine the impact and effectiveness of the middle level leadership program



Problem statement (200 words)


Literature reveals that coaching can be effective in growth and in employee’s motivation and performance and I want to examine to know the impact of the coaching program in financial institution


Objective and aim of study (40 words)


1.    To determine the need for leadership coaching in an organization

2.    To evaluate the prominent effect of coaching on employee motivation and performance in an organizational context

3.    To determine the impact leadership coaching program to the employees

4.    To recommend prominent measures for an effective leadership coaching program


Research question (40 words)


1.    What is the need for leadership coaching in an organization?

2.    What is the prominent effect of coaching on employee motivation and performance in an organization?

3.   What are the measures for overcoming low motivation and performance in employees.


Significance of study (40 words)


I am going to examine the result of a leadership coaching in a financial institution in increasing the motivation and performance of the employees.



A discuss on the leadership coaching program and its behavioural effect on its employees.

 I have result of the findings and discussion hence that's not require but i need help on the above. 

Thank you 

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