Computational Thinking and Problem Solving (COMP1002) and
Problem Solving Methodology in Information Technology (COMP1001)
Please follow the instructions below. Marks may be deducted if failing to comply
2. The Blackboard (only the announcement, content and assessment pages) will be available during the examination.
3. You may ask questions any time by emails.
a. For Q1 and Q2: email to
b. For Q3 and Q4: email to
4. We will broadcast any news (for bug reporting, remaining time, etc) during the examination through Blackboard's announcement.
5. You can use any resources you can find but you cannot consult anyone. Any violation will be considered plagiarism.
6. There are four questions in this examination paper.
a. For each question, name your .py file by the question number and your student ID, e.g., Q1_"your student ID".py for Q1. Zip the .py file and name it by Q1_"your student ID".rar (or .zip or .7z). Zip Q2_"your student ID".py with Upload the zipped file to the corresponding submission box.
b. You may submit your solution unlimited number of times. Only the most recently submitted will be graded.
c. Q1, Q3 and Q4 have multiple parts. Please arrange your code for the parts in the original order. Write the part label in Python
comment. For example, use # (a) before the code for part (a)
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