In this assignment, we will study about the data normalization and data model in database.

computer science



In this assignment, we will study about the data normalization and data model in database. This will be fairly general to cover a lot of different situations. I'm trying to go with the idea that we're going to have a physical place where we're going to provide facilities (like a pet hotel) or act as a point of departure for service delivery. In cat’s hotel, a small luxury cattery that specializes in cats sleeping. The cattery is available to long and short stay throughout the year and is certified.

The newly constructed cattery is situated on the Orchard Farm property, but close to the center of Henley City. It has its own family room for better sanitation and an office could be mentioned in comfort with your cat / s requirements for your vacation. The building includes particulate filters and external security and safety sprinkler system.

Data Model

A data model is a conceptual framework that organizes information components and strictly enforces how they respond to each other and actual-world objects assets. For example, a data model that indicates that a cat's hotel information component is made up of a variety of other elements which, in effect, reflect the cat's cattery and size and identify its owner. We are all conscious of how the industry is evolving with innovation. Most of these professions are likely to be those that are not necessary for human contact. The data model stresses what research is required and how it should be structured rather than what procedures on the data should be done.

Name – The owner's name was given to his cat.

 SpeciesID – applies to the species dictionary which relates to the animal of animals.

 Birthday – If appropriate, the date of birth of the cat

Notes – Any additional notes in free text format applicable to this cat.

Pet- PetID, Name, SpeciesID, Birthday, Notes

Services- serviceID, ServiceName, OwnerID, cost, Limit, Room

Available_For- ID, ServiceID, SpeciesID, FaciltyID, Currently_used, CCTV_Access

In booking details table, attribute are BookingID, CatName, OwnerID, CatAge, RoomType, PayemntID.

Payment Details are available and their attribute PaymentID, ownerID, RoomType, ServiceID, Amount, faciltyID.

Room- RoomID, RoomType, catName, OwnerID

Food- FoodID, FoodName, OwnerID, RoomID, ID, PaymentID, PetID


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