What important things should be included and considered in designing and creating an effective UML diagrams (at least 280 words)?

computer science


Home work 1

Required Part 1

·       What important things should be included and considered in designing and creating an effective UML diagrams (at least 280 words)?

·       What is the purpose and importance of activity diagram?

Write 450 words in current APA format. You must include at least 4 scholarly articles as references.


Required Part 2

An architecture presents a blueprint for developing software based on requirements. The architecture shows how the system is structured and embodies the earliest decisions that have a significant impact on the final product.

·       Write some example on the importance of effective architecture.

·       Explain the outcomes of successful architecture for software and for a good programmer (at least 400 words).

Write 800 words in current APA format. You must include at least 5 scholarly articles as references.


Required Part 3

In software architecture documentation, views are the different ways the same architecture is perceived in terms of structure, uses, and goals.

·       Analyze how the software architecture documentation was documented in terms of views.

·       Explain the importance of software documentation.

·       Describe the risks of no documentation or inaccurate documentation (at least 400 words).

Write 800 words in current APA format. You must include at least 5 scholarly articles as references.

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