Find images and sprite sheets online to mix and match to make an animated scene on the canvas.

computer science



     Find images and sprite sheets online to mix and match to make an animated scene on the canvas.

     Convert some animated GIFs online into a sprite sheet.

     If you like to draw, you can make your own sprite sheet from this website.

     Also available as a standalone program.

     Have a background.

     Have talk bubbles appear for people/animals/vechicles to say things.

     Make an animated scene lasting several seconds that repeats in an endless loop.

     Try to tell some sort of story.

To make things easier, have functions that move the various parts in your scene.

Might be useful to use JSON Array values to hold the positions/text/attributes of the items in your scene. And then go through a loop using those values to display the content.





Question 5


You might have to save the file to a server rather than running from localhost for this page to get localStorage to work.

     Have a simple form for the the user to store their notes.

     Create an input box (of 40 characters) to allow the user to title their notes

     Create a textarea (10 rows, 80 columns) ) to let the user write some text.

     As the user is writing the text (onChange) save the text to the localStorage.

     If the user comes back to the page, restore the text back in the form, so that the user can resume their information.

     Offer 2 buttons, one called Clear, and one called Undo.

     Clear erases the text in the whole form and therefore in the localStorage.

     Undo will restore the form to the previous values.

     It would make sense to save a previous copy of the values of the localStorage into some variables as backup.

     Think about what happens if the user presses Undo more than once, what should happen, it should hopefully toggle back/forth between the last two changes.

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