Draw a map of a complex problem that interests you, state the problem in a brief phrase or sentence and draw the map representing different facets of the problem.



1.  Draw a map of a complex problem that interests you, state the problem in a brief phrase or sentence and draw the map representing different facets of the problem.  Review pages 215-218 (Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies, 3rd Edition, ISBN - 13: 978-1544379401) for guidance on the purpose of and steps to taking in mapping a complex problem. Be creative and incorporate images in addition to text. 

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1.     Explain your current epistemic position by

  • describing whether you tend to think in ways associated with dualism, relativism, or critical pluralism; 
  • providing one specific example of your thinking on an issue that exemplifies your dualist, relativist, or critical pluralist way of seeing the world;
  • describing the ways that you think the interdisciplinary approach of critical pluralism will challenge and/or appeal to
  •  you.

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