Essay: Take a Stand on Slavery Format: For your essay, you must read the primary sources listed below in Links and examine the descriptions of, and defense and attack of slavery offered in the Links. After, you must write a 2 ½ page essay(minimum) that ad



Essay: Take a Stand on Slavery Format: For your essay, you must read the primary sources listed below in Links and examine the descriptions of, and defense and attack of slavery offered in the Links. After, you must write a 2 ½ page essay(minimum) that addresses the focus questions. Your essay should have an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the supporting paragraphs, you should include specific examples or support of your position (quotations or paraphrases) from the primary sources for this activity. This essay must be entirely in your words typed by you and only you. Strict rules that you must follow to avoid getting declined: Do not use any text from an outside source or website Do not cite anything from anywhere Do not create a work cited page Do not copy and paste anything whether it is in quotations or not.

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