Evaluation of Epidemiological Problem Guidelines & Grading Rubric

general article writing


Please reread requirements sent. Key information such as prevalence rates, current state, local, and national stats, (please use cdc) a table of this information is also needed. Who is more frequently infected? Women...and the age. Cost (financial and social), national standard for screening, and one test shld be reviewed (pap smear) sensitivity, specificity, ppv, cost? What are the 3 actions (retesting infected, free testing, home test etc etc and how will measure outcomes? (Support with evidence). Again please read attachment sent. What you sent me is an essay on Chlamydia, this assignment is research and evaluation of epidemiology. Grammer errors were also noted. References shld be within 5 years.
I just sent information but dont see it. Testing again before I type it all over

Deadline-8 hrs


  • Introduction with a clear presentation of the problem as well as significance and a scholarly overview of the paper.
  • Background of the disease including definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics current state, local, and national statistics pertaining to the disease. (Include a table of incidence or prevalence rates by your geographic county, state, and national statistics.)
  • A review of current surveillance methods and any mandated reporting or methods for reporting the disease for providers.
  • Conduct descriptive epidemiology analysis of the disease including who is more frequently affected and characteristics of the population that might help in creating a prevention plan. Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.
  • Review how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening or prevention, and pick one screening test and review its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost and any current national guidelines for conducting which patients to conduct this test on.
  • Provide a brief plan of how you will address this epidemiological disease in your practice once you are finished with school.  Provide three actions you will take along with how you will measure outcomes of your actions.
  • Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of key points of the entire disease,
Preparing the Paper
  • Page length: 7-10 pages, excluding title/cover page
  • APA format 6th edition
  • Include references when necessary. 
  • Include at least one table to present information somewhere in the paper.

This paper should clearly and comprehensively identify the disease or population health problem chosen. The problem must be an issue in your geographic area and a concern for the population you will serve upon graduation with your degree. The paper should be organized into the following sections:

Topic: Chlamydia

Location: Sacramento, Ca

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