For each of button: When clicking “Submit” button, read all input fields

computer science


C# Programming in .NET Platform I

Week 8 Assignment: C# Window Form of Employee Information 

For week 8 assignment, you will need to create a sample window form that table simple Employee info as following: 

Form name: Employee Info

Background Color: your own choice. 

For each of button: When clicking “Submit” button, read all input fields’ value and print as employee info; when clicking “Reset” button, reset all input fields’ value.

How to Package and Submit: 

When you finish your assignment, zip the entire contents of your project folder and then submit it to the UCLA Extension Blackboard Week 8 Assignments area. The assignment only takes .zip file so please make sure you zipped project name like *.zip, not a .rar file. Please contact me if you have any questions about the assignment design or submitting.

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