For the problems below, you are to set up an appropriate solution using a single Excel worksheet.




For the problems below, you are to set up an appropriate solution using a single Excel worksheet. You should use appropriate labels to identify the data and results, and choose formatting appropriate to the type of data involved. Each problem will require the use of appropriate formula(s) and/or function(s), which you will need to identify and incorporate into your solution. Use appropriate design, layouts, and formatting for each problem in the worksheet. Make sure each problem is clearly identified. Submit your workbook to the appropriate D2L location in a compressed (i.e. “zipped”) folder with the name Nesting Exercises Worksheet. Submissions that are not correctly named, or not in a compressed folder, will not be graded.


 If a salesperson’s monthly sales are less than $400, their commission is 5%. If a salesperson’s monthly sales are between $400 and $750, their commission is 10%. If a salesperson’s monthly sales are more than $750, but less than $1000, their commission is 15%. If a salesperson’s monthly sales are $1000 or more, their commission is 18.5%. 

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