OL610: Final Paper Guidelines and Grading Guide
The final project for this course is the creation of a final paper on a current labor issue. The project is divided in to 4 milestones, which will be submitted at
various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules One, Three,
Seven, and Ten.
Milestone One: Topic Description
In 1-3 Final Paper: Topic, you will submit a well-defined topic. This milestone is not graded separately but will be graded as part of your Final Paper submission,
under Milestone Submission.
Milestone Two: Outline
In 3-3 Final Paper: Outline, you will submit a 1-2 page outline of the major ideas to be presented in your final paper. This milestone is not graded separately but
will be graded as part of your Final Paper submission, under Milestone Submission.
Milestone Three: Detailed Outline
In 7-3 Final Paper: Detailed Outline, you will submit a 4 page (maximum) outline, detailing the specifics of your final paper. This milestone is not graded
separately but will be graded as part of your Final Paper submission, under Milestone Submission.
Milestone Four: Final Paper
In 10-1 Final Paper: Submit, you will submit your final paper. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will
be graded using the Final Paper Rubric.
FSLA Overtime Law-Milestone Two
Jessica Beatty
Professor: Stephanie Kern
OL-610-X3288 Employee and Labor Relations
February 4, 2017
FSLA Overtime Law-Milestone Two
I. Introduction
a. What is the FSLA Overtime Law
II. Requirements
a. Existing Requirements
b. New Requirements
III. Exemptions
a. Highly Compensated Employees
b. Duty requirements for exemption
IV. Effects on Families
V. Present Situation
a. Law Stop
VI. Conclusion
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