How can you build an environment of trust with a team to keep the teamwork well together and achieving team goals



Part A

1. How can you build an environment of trust with a team to keep

the team work well together and achieving team goals?

2. How can you assess group behaviour and use strategies to guide

the team?

3. Why is it important to resolve issues brought to your team?

4. How can you come to group agreements in the team?

Part B

1. How can the team understand their roles and have support to

reach their goals?

2. Why is it important all members of the team help with decision

making and taking responsibility for their role?

3. How can positive and negative behaviour be addressed in the


4. Why is it important to be a role model for the team?

5. How can the stakeholders be communicated with?

6. How can you act as the first port of call to pass information

between the team and management and vice versa?

7. Why is it important that problems raised by stakeholders are


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