Career Resources: predictors of career success.
How the literature discussed antecedents/predictors of career success (300 words)
Human Capital Resources
How the literature discussed the role of human factor in career success (250 words)
Occupational expertise
The degree of possessed occupation specific knowledge and competencies. (450 words)
How experience and knowledge in the job itself are related to career success, either objective or subjective career success
Job Market Knowledge
The degree of possessed general knowledge about the job market and employment trends. (450 words)
How the literature is describing the link between job market knowledge and career success, objective career success, and subjective career success.
Soft Skills
The degree of possessed skills and competencies that are relevant for a broad range of occupations. (450 words)
From the literature, how soft skills are related to career success, objective career success, and subjective career success
Environmental Factors
How the literature spoke about environmental factors and their link to career success (250 words)
Career Opportunities
The extent to which personally interesting career advancement opportunities exist within one’s current organization. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Job Challenge
The extent to which one’s current job allows to utilize and develop personally valued skills. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Organizational Career Support
The extent to which one’s current organization provides support for one’s career development. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Social Career Support
The extent to which one receives career- support related support from other people. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Motivational Factors
How the literature described the relationships between motivational factors and career success (250 words)
Career involvement
The degree of affective attachment to the working role. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Career Confidence
The believe that one is capable of successfully developing one’s career. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Career Clarity
The clarity and self-determination of career goals. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Career management behaviors
How the literature highlighted the relationship and importance of career management behaviors and career success (450 words)
The extent to which social contacts are built, maintained, and utilized to promote one’s career development. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
Career Exploration
The extent to which information about career options is collected. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
The extent to which work relevant knowledge and skills are enlarged and updated. (450 words)
How the literature is linking it to objective and subjective career success
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