Information Security and Privacy Laws As a student, you likely have read peer-reviewed articles. You might recall that these types of articles are important when conducting scholarly research. They not only represent the highest level of scholarship but a

technical writing


Information Security and Privacy Laws As a student, you likely have read peer-reviewed articles. You might recall that these types of articles are important when conducting scholarly research. They not only represent the highest level of scholarship but also have been reviewed extensively by experts. In other words, peer-reviewed articles are subjected to a rigorous process before being deemed ready for publication.

 Laws, like peer-reviewed articles, are subject to a rigorous process. However, the process for laws operates in the opposite direction. While laws are reviewed extensively during the authoring phase, they are not truly reviewed until they are challenged in the judicial system. 

To prepare for this Discussion, find one security information law and one privacy law. The laws you select should have been subjected to judicial review (i.e., challenged). You may use one of the security information laws from Unit 1 if you wish. However, you may not use the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) because it is the focus of this unit’s Assignment. Post a 250- to 300-word response in which you briefly evaluate each law. Support your response by referencing one or more court cases where each law was challenged.

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