Orientation Package - A new hourly position has just been created in your organization and you will be the direct supervisor of this employee. Create an Orientation Package with this new employee in mind and properly cite your sources.




New Employee Orientation



Part 1. Create an Orientation Package for a new employee

Part 2.  Research and report on training questions


VALUE:   - 15%

Please consult rubric posted on SAM for evaluation details.




Objective links to the outcome and competency on course outline.

3.      Discuss the importance of training staff in the service industry.

3.1 Develop clearly defined job titles and expectations for the workplace.

3.2 Identify workplace performance standards including the components of a job description.

3.3 Explain the steps for developing a job training and staff orientation program.

2.2 Define employee job qualifications.


PROJECT PREMISE:  It is important to set a positive climate for new employees and the best way to do this is through a new employee orientation program. In addition to providing basic information on policies & procedures, parking and uniform expectations, an effective program will make the employee feel welcome, comfortable and valued. Orientation should be designed to help new employees learn about their role in the organization and its culture and values. 


Select Your New Employees Position from these options: Server, Retail Clerk, Receptionist, Tour Guide or similar  



·        Read the evaluation rubric which is posted on SAM before beginning

·        This project requires well researched answers that are presented and cited in a professional report format with headers. All answers are to be your own – formulated from research; this is not a cut and paste exercise.


Part 1 – Orientation Package - A new hourly position has just been created in your organization and you will be the direct supervisor of this employee.  Create an Orientation Package with this new employee in mind and properly cite your sources.

Part 2 – Research & Report - Discuss why training is important for business success.

1.      In a numbered list, give the reasons why there is a need for staff training.

2.      In a numbers list, give the direct benefits of investing in training for

a)       benefits for employees     b) benefits for supervisors      c) benefits for owners

3.      Develop a job description, not a job ad, for the new employee.

4.      What is a performance standard and why are these important to orientation training?

5.      Demonstrate your understanding of performance standards by designing a specific standard to suit this new position; include the house standard procedure


The project & reference pages for each section are to be submitted in hard copy at the beginning of class on the due date.


Be sure to read both the assignment and peer assessment before beginning this project and fully complete the peer assessment at the end of the project. 



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