Due: Sunday 11:59 PM EST
Some examples include songs by Michael Jackson, A&T’s theme song ‘Aggie Pride,’ and many more. You can find sheet music and then translate it to Matlab code but give credit for your source. Alternatively, you could record your voice into a web-based program that translates your voice into musical notes. Either way is fine, just credit the source and follow the grading rubric. Write your own script file for playing a simple melody. Since you are an artist, write your own unique song using the sine function and the sound function in Matlab
About Your Assignment :
Instructions: Refer to the document called Music in Matlab found in Blackboard. Use frequencies from the standard musical notes. You must use at least 3 different notes that do not appear in any song presented in class. Save the script with full comments. You must name the file correctly and submit to Blackboard as shown below:
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