NOTE: Students should follow the PO217 SPSS handbook available on MLS to complete this assignment. SPSS is available for free through Laurier’s website. To access SPSS, follow the instructions outlined in the “How_To_Access_SPSS” file available on MLS. Students who wish to work from a trial version or a rental version of SPSS are welcome to do so. You will need to save a copy of the 2019 CES dataset (available on MLS) to your Laurier personal drive (OneDrive / personal drive) that you can access via the web-based version of SPSS.
For this assignment, students are required to open the 2019 CES dataset (available on MLS), explore
the variables available in the dataset, and develop a “working” research question and corresponding
hypothesis. Students must then identify TWO variables from the dataset that may be used in
subsequent work to test this question. Please note the level of measurement for each of these variables.
Students must then report the frequency distribution, appropriate measure of central tendency, and
the measure of dispersion for both variables (note that SPSS does not provide a measure of dispersion
for nominal level variables. Students should calculate this on their own). Students should follow the
outline from the example below for this assignment. The variables used in the example may not be
used for the assignment. In addition, students are also required to submit a copy of their SPSS output
file in PDF format. Your assignment must be submitted via MLS as a .doc or .docx file.
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