Mobile Client & Web Backend
System Using Android Native Mobile Client and Web technology, develop a mobile system having both mobile as well as Web based data exchange mechanism using any remote data access (REST Service / Firebase Native Libraries) framework. You are required to get an approval of your system idea from the module lecturer before you proceed for the development work. A list of coursework titles is given below but these are just for guidance. You do not need to stick rigidly to these titles. Besides, a possible scenario for title “Freight App” is also given in Appendix-A for guidance.
The objective of your system should be to provide a mechanism to store and retrieve data from
a backend database for mobile specific user interface. The information or data will be managed
through remote data access mechanisms running on backend server for further processing
and/or display purposes through mobile application interface. The overall system will basically
consist of the following technical components:
An Android native mobile application to act as both data consumer & data provider
- A middleware facilitating access to backend data
- A mobile based client library (such as Retrofit, Firebase & Picasso etc.) facilitating mobile
network access and data parsing for both textual and image based binary data
The Android mobile application involves designing and building the application that will run on
the mobile device to manage scenario specific data. A suitable user interface should be
designed, implemented and tested. It is important when designing this part to consider how it
will work as part of the overall system. Careful consideration should be given to the way in
which data is held and persisted.
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