The big question is not explicitly stated in the paper, but the specific question is. You may want to start with the specific question, then determine what broader, more general issues the specific question taps into.



Part 1: QALMRI

Read the article by Yin (1969) and answer the following questions:



Hint: The big question is not explicitly stated in the paper, but the specific question is. You may want to start with the specific question, then determine what broader, more general issues the specific question taps into.


What is the big question being asked by this research project?


What is the specific question being asked by this research project?




Hint: The hypothesis should be a possible answer to the specific question, not a prediction (that comes later).


What are the author’s hypotheses?







Hint: The logic should come from the hypothesis and relate to the manipulations in the experiments. That is, if it turns out H1 is true, what kind of behavior should we expect in the experiment?


What is the logic of the hypothesis (if A is true, then what should happen?)

-       If H1, then…

-       If H2, then

-       Methods


What are the methods?

1.      Who were the participants? How were they selected?



2.      Briefly summarize in a few sentences, the general tasks used in the experiments


3.      Experimental design:

a.      Independent variable:

                                                              i.      Number of factors?

                                                            ii.      Number of levels per factor?

                                                          iii.      Between or within-subjects?

b.      Dependent variables:






Summarize the results of the study in a few sentences:

-       Do not report the results of the statistical tests, just the results in every-day language:

-       The results should reflect the independent and dependent variables stated above


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