The first part of your assessment for this module entails you producing a short presentation about your selected research project.

computer science


Research Design and Methods – Assessment 1 - Verbal Presentation


The first part of your assessment for this module entails you producing a short presentation about your selected research project. The purpose of this resit assessment is demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of the purpose and associated design of your proposed project and that you can articulate this verbally.


You will not be required to make this presentation in person. Instead, you are asked to produce a recording of your presentation that you will then upload to Moodle by the due date. (In this way, you will be able to practice your presentation until you are happy with it and will not have the worry of speaking in front of others, and we will be able to rerun your presentation as we mark it.)

The presentation must be no more than 5 minutes in duration. We advise that you download and use one of the available free software packages such as Screencast-O-Matic, ( to record your presentation. YouTube has videos to help you use this software (e.g.


Your presentation should be saved as a .mp4 file and submitted through Turnitin on the module’s Moodle page. Ideally, you will use powerpoint slides which you will ‘talk to’. Please do NOT merely read the content of your slides. Before submitting your presentation, please check that the sound is clear.


A detailed explanation of the requirements for the first part of the Research Design and Methods assessment is given in a series of slides reproduced below. The slides explain the sections of the presentation by reference to a fictional project.


It would be a good idea if your presentation followed the headings shown in the marking scheme (to help you structure your presentation and to help us follow your arguments).


Submission should be made through Turnitin on the Moodle module page by 4pm on Friday 10th July, 2020. Submissions after this time will be ‘late’. Submissions up to one week late will be accepted with a penalty of 10 marks. Submissions more than one week late will not be accepted for marking.

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