This assignment gives you a chance to expand on the analytical skills you developed in assignment One.




  1. This assignment gives you a chance to expand on the analytical skills you developed in assignment One. You are to carry out your research in order to perform an analysis of an urban site in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
  2. Choose a place:

    1. Toronto Pearson International Airport
    2. Regent Park
    3. Caledonia, Ontario
    4. Parkdale
    5. Brampton, Ontario
  3. Research your chosen place. (See Tutorial 3)
  4. Develop a thesis statement that explains how a feature of this site reflects one of the following topics we discussed in class (See Tutorial 3):

    1. Social Geography (race, demography, education, immigration, gender, etc.)
    2. Economic Geography (Post-Fordism, gig economy, assets, global cities)
    3. Political Geography (urban planning, policing, governance)
  5. Prove your thesis statement using the following:

    1. A MINIMUM of 2 and a MAXIMUM of 3 SCHOLARLY sources.
    2. A MINIMUM of 2 and a MAXIMUM 3 PRIMARY sources
  6. You must write an essay that is no more than 1,500 words long. That has a strong argument, uses the various scholarly and primary sources to support your argument, and is clearly organized throughout.


  • Your essay must have a clear Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Works Cited
  • You essay must use proper Citation using Chicago Manual of Style in text citation:

     (Links to an external site.)
  • You must build an argument that answers this analysis question
  • Your argument must be based on the evidence from your sources


  • Cite in Chicago Manual of Style - AUTHOR DATE IN TEXT
  • 12 point, Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced, 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins
  • Header on 1st page only with Name, Student Number, and Course Code
  • Page numbers at the bottom of each page
  • Upload in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format only

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