Objective: This assignment is part 1 of 3 that will lead you through the database development process for a specific application. This portion of the project focuses on data modeling. You will be designing a database to support attendance tracking and reporting for a typical middle school. A detailed description of the requirements for the database is provided below
In the ANSI/SPARC 3-schema model of databases, the external schema reflects the view of the data held by an individual
user, application, report, form, etc. For this project, you will develop E-R diagrams reflecting the data requirements of
attendance reports, and then integrate them into a single conceptual schema that can support the entire application.
Description of data modeling scenario
Design a database to support a Middle School Scheduling and Attendance system (See Tasks 1-2 on the following
pages of this assignment sheet for task details). Your database model should be designed using the Subview/External Schema descriptions and business rules listed below. The reports used by the school are shown below with
a short description and a sample report or portion of a report provided for clarity.
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