• Introduction to Arrays of Objects
• More testing
This assignment requires you to implement and test static methods in Exam Array Operations. java In this assignment you are provided with a tester. While this tester includes many test cases, it is INTENTIONALLY not a comprehensive set of tests. You should add your own tests to test cases not considered.
NOTE: The auto grading of your assignment may include different and additional tests.
Quick Start
1. Download A3Tester.java, Date.java, Time.java, Exam.java, Time.java and ExamArrayOperations.java to the same directory.
2. Compile A3Tester.java
3. Implement each method in ExamArrayOperations.java, by repeating the following steps:
a. Uncomment a test in the corresponding method in A3Tester.java
b. Add stub for the method you are testing in ExamArrayOperations.java
c. Compile and run to ensure your tests and stubs are correct
d. Implement each method by completing the stub following the documentation within the ExamArrayOperations.java file
e. Compile and run (repeat steps d and e until all of your tests pass)
f. Add additional tests where needed, compile, run, edit until all tests pass
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