Use to check if the domain is available. If not, suggest alternatives.





Your Answer


Website Creation and On-Page Optimization


Use to check if the domain is available. If not, suggest alternatives.



Create a sitemap (structure of your website) as per the details given in the case study. Hint: Use nested bullets to denote sub-pages.



Use Google Keyword Planner to identify 10 keywords for each product. Assume the location to be India.

Product Name 1: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, …
Product Name 2: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, …


Once the keywords list is created, write content for TWO pages with relevant keyword density. You can choose any 2 pages from the home page and product pages. DO NOT use Contact Us or About Us.

Do not include the content here. Directly add it to the website and write "Done!" here.


5) Create the following:



• URL for ALL the pages of the website, assuming the domain is

Page 1: URL
Page 2: URL


• Title tag for ALL the pages of the website

Page 1: Title tag
Page 2: Title tag


• Meta description for ALL the pages of the website

Page 1: Meta description
Page 2: Meta description


• Alt tags for images: For the TWO pages you picked for content writing, pick relevant images for them from the internet and write an alt tag for each image chosen

Page 1:
•  Image name 1: Alt tag
•  Image name 2: Alt tag
Page 2:
•  Image name 1: Alt tag
•  Image name 2: Alt tag


• Internal link building: For the TWO pages you picked for content writing, identify opportunities to do internal linking

Paste the sentence with the link text highlighted, followed by the URL of the page it will be linked to.
For example:

SEO is the key to ranking high on search engines:


Go to and create the TWO pages picked for the website

Once complete, write "Done!" here.


For the TWO pages you picked, add the content, images, title tag, meta description, URL (here you might not be able to use; use whatever domain is available. Focus on defining the subdirectory and file for each page)

Once complete, write "Done!" here.


Publish your TWO pages and share the links of the webpages

Add the links here


Off-Page Optimization


Which social sharing buttons will you place on the website?



Name THREE platforms you will use for free online PR



Choose two websites you will use for social bookmarking



Create a list of prominent websites from which you would like to get inbound links. Use Moz to check the domain authority of the selected websites. Share names of THREE websites with screenshots from Moz showing the domain authority.

Paste screenshots below the table under “Moz Screenshots for Domain Authority”


Once completed, save this file with an extension of your full name, and upload it on LMS.


For example:
SEO Project - Option 1 - Task List_PraveenKumar.docx


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