Use the techniques you've learned in this class to design and create an Excel workbook to project expenses for four years of college (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years).



Instructions : Use the techniques you've learned in this class to design and create an Excel workbook to project expenses for four years of college (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years). Each year should display on a separate worksheet. Each year should display projected expenses for two semesters. Each year should also include a column displaying totals for each expense type AND a row displaying total expenses for each semester. Include a total expenses worksheet as the first sheet of the workbook. Use 3-D references to sum the expenses from the four individual sheets into the total sheet. (Review Module 5 for assistance with this task.) College expenses might include: tuition, books, room & board, transportation, childcare, miscellaneous, etc. Include any expenses applicable to YOUR situation. Use reasonable estimates for your projected expenses. (An Internet search on college costs for a college of your choice will be very helpful in completion of the assignment. College financial aid pages are an excellent resource.)

Each worksheet should include a title including the college name and year of college. Apply different background colors to the title areas of each worksheet. Apply appropriate formatting to the titles, labels, and numbers in the worksheets. Change the name of the sheet tabs and apply color to match the title area.

Create a 3-D pie chart displaying projected TOTAL expenses by expense category (NOT year). Use the information from the Total worksheet to build the chart. The chart worksheet should display as the last sheet in the workbook. The entire workbook should consist of the following six worksheets (Total, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Expense Chart).

The chart should be formatted attractively and display a title and data labels. "Explode" the largest expense category.

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