You are carrying all your interview application documents along with identity proofs & are currently having lunch at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai (Approx 40 mins from our Office).



Practical Test


You will require answering directly under each question above.

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You will be timed from the moment this test is downloaded. Reply to the email quickly by attaching this sheet along with your answers

Your evaluation will be based upon Logic & Reasoning, Content, Comprehension, Prompt thinking, Creativity, Browsing Skills & Basic Math

There is no right or wrong answer – The test is created exclusively to learn if you are the right candidate for Mindstorm. Kindly do not leave any questions unanswered


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You are free to answer, hook or by crook!

All the Best!


You are carrying all your interview application documents along with identity proofs & are currently having lunch at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai (Approx 40 mins from our Office). The HR of Mindstorm calls you & asks you to drop all documents you shared during the interview process along with identity proofs at our Malad Office within the next 20 mins. How would you do it? What will you ask/tell the HR?

You are managing a ‘Real Estate’ brand & there appears to be no special promotions. What would you update on the Brand Page for that day?

You manage the Brand Page of a 5 Star property in Mumbai. You have to promote the Bengali Food Festival running at the Hotel on Monday, Customized Cakes Offering on Tuesday, Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner on Wednesday, High Tea session on Thursday, Weekend Karaoke Nights on Friday, Sunday Brunch on Saturday & a generalized update on Sunday. Write all the 7 updates below which are limited to 140 letters each.


Fleur burger costs about $10,000 & is the Worlds most expensive burger. It is created at one of the finest restaurants in the world called ‘La Pain’. If you were the Digital Marketing Manager for their Brand Page, How would you describe the burger in 140 Characters? (Tip: Use a combination of Image & Description to create your ‘Content Update’ of 140 characters)

Ms. Sarah Palin stood to become the Vice President of America. If she did become the VP, she would have become the 1st woman to take such a responsibility. If you were to create a headline for this news piece in a way that your readers read it & share it, what would your headline be?

Write a blog article with minimum count of 100 words on some of the innovative uses of technology, apps or smartphones. Also describe an attractive title that would get people curious in reading your blog article.

You are managing a Electronic Retailer’s Brand Page & one of the customers has vented out his frustration on the brand page, what is your course of action?

You will delete the feedback

You will ban the user who wrote the feedback

You will hide the feedback and respond

You will not hide the feedback but respond

You will hide the feedback & not respond

You will evaluate the feedback, based on which you will decide to hide or not hide the feedback & then respond

People Talking About This (PTAT) on Facebook = Total Number of New Page Likes + Total Number of Interactions (Post Likes + Shares + Comments + Checkins) in the past one week on a Facebook Brand Page. What is the total number of Page likes if PTAT is 21,375 & Post Likes are 8435, Shares are 57 & Comments are 70? Also what is the average number of Page Likes per day?

If 10 people like the update you shared on behalf of a brand on Facebook, an approximate of 200 people would have seen the update. If 25 people like your post, about 500 people would have seen your update. If 50 people like your post, about 1000 people would have seen your update if 100 people like your post, about 3000 people who have seen your update. If 175 people like your post, what is the approximate visibility in terms of users reached for that update?

You manage a brand who’s prime objective is After Sales Support via Twitter. The client’s team requires the customer contact number or complaint number to solve any problem at the earliest. Requesting contact numbers from customers in social media publicly is avoided by the brand to protect customer’s privacy. However a brand can request customers their contact number via a private message. A brand’s customer came to seek help on an issue of delayed delivery at 11pm in the night. Your notification bar on your smartphone blinks to alert you. What is your course of action?

Leave it for now as its 11 pm since your client isn’t there to assist you at this hour. Respond to the customer during work hours of the next day

Check the feedback, but do not respond

Check the feedback, share the update with the team

Check the feedback, share with update with the team & respond to customer

What is the response you will write to that customer

Instruction Files

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