You have created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it is time to validate information entered into your form fields.

computer science


Unit 4 Assignment 1 – Form Field Validation and Error Messages


You have created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You will use the "registration.html" file found in your Zip file. You will see that the page has a form with the following fields to allow users to register for an account. The items in parentheses are defined formatting instructions to be observed for each field.

  • Username* (must only contain letters and numbers) – Required field
  • Password* (minimum of 8 characters) – Required field
  • PasswordVerify* (minimum of 8 characters, must match password) – Required field
  • FirstName* (text string) – Required field
  • LastName* (text string) – Required field
  • Email (uses format)
  • PhoneNumber (uses (xxx) xxx-xxxx format)
  • SignUpNewsletter (radio box for yes/no)


Read the assignment overview.

Use the registration.html file to add functionality to the form found on the page. The JavaScript that you write should validate each field and, if errors are made, display appropriate error messages that direct the user to complete the form properly. Once the form is completed, your script should open the confirmation page (confirmation.php).


  • Write JavaScript that defines that a field is required and generates an appropriate error message if the field has not been completed using best practices in error reporting that includes all relevant error messages at once in an easy-to-read manner.
  • Write JavaScript to validate all input fields per the formatting definitions that the field values should be checked against (found in the overview) after each field with regular expressions in the most effective manner according to coding best practices.
  • Write JavaScript that displays an appropriate error correction message (next to the field) in the event a form entry error has been made.
  • Write a JavaScript that will default the user’s cursor to the first erroneous input field while providing additional formatting change to indicate the selected field to the user.
  • Create a submit button that executes the validation when submitted and runs error-free as the submit is overridden, producing the confirmation.php message.

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