Your write-up should be in the style of a report written in full sentences and paragraphs



General Tips 

• Your write-up should be in the style of a report written in full sentences and paragraphs (not short answers) 

• Read the questions carefully; many of them ask you to answer multiple questions together. 

• Justify and explain your answers thoroughly in complete sentences and paragraphs 

• Consult the STATA help files to learn about the options for commands Families borrow money from banks (mortgage loan) to finance the purchase of their homes. An increase in the mortgage interest rate, thus, increases the cost of owning a house and lowers the demand for houses. 

In this assignment, you will analyze time series data on the relationship between the mortgage interest rate (Rt) and the number of houses (Ht) sold monthly in the market. The sample spans the period from 1992M1 to 2010M3. After you load the data onto STATA, declare it as time series data before you start the analysis.

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