Dissertation in APA Style

How to Format a Dissertation in APA Style: A Complete Guide for Students to Achieve Excellence

It is very important to format your dissertation properly so that it does not lose its academic/formal touch. APA (American Psychological Association) style is widely accepted in social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and education. Adhering to a dissertation format APA style not only makes it more professional in appearance but also adds a sense of authenticity to it. The guide covers all aspects of APA formatting to ensure that your dissertation research adheres to all applicable standards of success.

What is APA Style?

APA style is a popular reference guide used by many students and scholars when it comes to formatting papers and research. This style, created by the American Psychological Association, has specific rules about citation, references, page layout, and structure. That is to provide clear and consistent attribution in writing.

Importance of Format a Dissertation in APA Style

A dissertation is the final stage of complete years of research and hard work. A CV is basically your academic skills and presenting it in the right format is extremely important if you want to appreciate someone else the way you have toiled for preparation. There are several benefits of citing your work in APA format when formatting your dissertation, such as:

  • Clarity: Formatting enhances readability and gives an overall idea of your dissertation.
  • Credibility — Citing and referencing properly reflects academic honesty and respect for the work of other scholars.
  • Professionalism: A properly formatted thesis gives your dissertation a professional and presentable look.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Format a Dissertation in APA Style

Follow these comprehensive steps to format your dissertation in APA style, from the title page to the references section.

1. Title Page (H1)

The title page is the first page of your dissertation and includes essential information. Follow these guidelines for an APA-formatted title page:

  • Running Head: In the top-left corner, place a running head (a shortened version of your title, no more than 50 characters) in uppercase letters.
  • Page Number: The page number starts on the title page, located at the top-right corner.
  • Title: Center your full dissertation title in uppercase and lowercase letters. It should be concise yet descriptive.
  • Author Name: Center your full name below the title.
  • Institution: Below your name, list the name of your university or institution.
  • Date: Finally, include the date of submission.


2. Abstract (H2)

The abstract is a concise summary of your dissertation. It should be placed on the second page of your document and be between 150-250 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph and contain the following elements:

  • Research Problem: A brief statement about the topic or problem being addressed.
  • Methods: A summary of the research methodology used.
  • Results: Key findings or conclusions drawn from your study.
  • Keywords: Include a list of 3-5 keywords at the end of your abstract for searchability.

The abstract should be written in block format with no indentation.

3. Table of Contents (H2)

A table of contents is essential for helping readers navigate your dissertation. In APA style, the table of contents should:

  • List all major sections (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, etc.).
  • Include subheadings if necessary.
  • Include page numbers corresponding to each section.

This section helps readers quickly find the content they are interested in, improving the overall user experience of your dissertation.

4. Introduction (H2)

The introduction of your dissertation sets the stage for your research. In APA style, this section typically begins on page 3 (following the abstract). Here’s what to include:

  • Research Problem: State the main problem or question your dissertation addresses.
  • Purpose of the Study: Explain the purpose and significance of your research.
  • Research Questions or Hypotheses: List the research questions or hypotheses your study aims to answer.
  • Overview of Structure: Briefly outline the sections of your dissertation.

5. Literature Review (H2)

The literature review provides an overview of existing research related to your dissertation topic. In this section, you will:

  • Discuss key studies and theoretical frameworks.
  • Highlight gaps in existing research that your study aims to address.
  • Use APA-style citations and references throughout.

Make sure to organize the literature review logically, either by themes or chronologically, to guide the reader effectively.

6. Methodology (H2)

The methodology section describes the research design, methods, and procedures used to conduct your study. Key elements to include:

  • Participants: Provide information on the individuals or groups involved in your study.
  • Instruments: Describe the tools or tests used for data collection.
  • Procedures: Outline the steps followed during the research process.
  • Data Analysis: Discuss how you analyzed the collected data.

Use past tense throughout this section as you are describing completed research.

7. Results (H2)

In the results section, you will present the findings of your study without interpreting them. This section may include:

  • Tables and Figures: Use APA guidelines for formatting tables and figures (see later section).
  • Statistical Analysis: Present any relevant statistical findings (e.g., p-values, confidence intervals).
  • Narrative: Describe your findings in text form alongside tables/figures for clarity.

8. Discussion (H2)

The discussion section allows you to interpret and analyze your findings. Discuss how your results answer your research questions, their implications, and any limitations. This section often includes:

  • Interpretation: Explain the significance of your findings.
  • Comparison: Compare your results with previous research.
  • Limitations: Acknowledge any limitations of your study.
  • Future Research: Suggest areas for further investigation.

9. Conclusion (H2)

The conclusion is a brief summary of your dissertation’s key findings. Here’s what to include:

  • Summary of Findings: Recap the main points of your study.
  • Implications: Highlight the broader impact of your research.
  • Recommendations: Suggest actionable recommendations based on your findings.

10. References (H2)

APA style has strict rules for citing sources. The references section should list all the works cited in your dissertation, formatted according to APA guidelines:

  • Books: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher.
  • Journal Articles: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pages.
  • Websites: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website name. URL

Ensure your references are alphabetized and formatted correctly. Use hanging indentation for each reference entry.

Tables and Figures in APA Style (H3)

  • Tables: Use tables to present numerical data or detailed information. The table number and title should appear above the table, and any notes should appear below.
  • Figures: Figures can include graphs, charts, or images. Like tables, the figure number and title appear above, and notes appear below.

APA Style Citation Tips (H3)

To ensure your dissertation adheres to APA style, remember these key citation tips:

  • Always cite direct quotes and paraphrased content.
  • Include in-text citations whenever you refer to a source (e.g., Smith, 2020).
  • Ensure that all references in the reference list have corresponding in-text citations.
  • Follow the author-date format for citing sources.


One of the most important skills every academic writer should learn is how to format their dissertation according to the requirements of the APA style. Using APA guidelines ensures that your work is treated with the utmost professionalism and, in turn, resonates with one of the highest levels of academic integrity. From title page structure to preparing tables and figures and referencing correctly — every detail is are crucial step to make certain your dissertation is powerful and reliable.

Also Read: Dissertation vs Capstone: Key Differences and Similarities

How do I format an APA-style dissertation in Word?

Use APA-style templates available in Word to simplify the process. Make sure to adjust the margins, font, and spacing according to APA guidelines. Set your page numbers and running head correctly.

Can I use MLA formatting for my dissertation?

It depends on your field of study. MLA style is commonly used in humanities and liberal arts, while APA style is preferred in social sciences and related disciplines. Always check your institution’s requirements.

How do I ensure my references are in APA format?

Utilize online citation tools like Zotero, EndNote, or Citation Machine. They can help you format your references accurately and in compliance with APA style.

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