You are required to select HR Professionals job requirements (Skill level A – Category 1121) from Canadian Government NOC (National Occupation Classification) list. Follow the link provided, enter the NOC Code 1121 for HR Professionals to see federal JD/JS outlined for HR Professionals in general. For your analysis you can pick any Job title from the list of HR Professionals - outlined in the federal NOC list. Now lookup for the similar role/ position/title’s Job Description, as advertised by any BC (British Columbia) based company and analyse the differences in the job description. For a sound analysis Choose a BC based company with detailed JD/JS. Most of the big corporate companies/Public universities will have a detailed Job requirements. Do not select a small company specially if JD is not clear enough.
Your task is to analyze the Job Description (JD) and Job Specification (JS)- provided for HR Professionals - in the light of theory/concepts/Canadian Laws learned in this course as well as class discussions.
You are supposed to write down the differences in JD & JS in Table format
You can analyse job’s main role and sub tasks here
Provide the screen shots of both - NOC – Job requirements and BC based Company’s JD in the appendix. This will help you solve the similarity issue
Based on your analysis in part A. Create a provincial Job Description along with Job Specification for HR professionals of BC
Your Job description/specification should be in bullet points
Avoid unnecessary length but make sure you are covering all the important points
Assessment Criteria
ANALYSIS - You will be marked on thoroughness of your analysis and how well informed your analysis is. How creative your JD is. How well do you know both federal and provincial laws. How many important elements of employability are you covering in your JD.
PAPER REQUIREMENTS – Whether students have fully understood the paper requirements. If all requirements are satisfactorily met/fulfilled. Whether or not all questions have been answered.
QUALITY AND VARIETY OF SOURCES - For this information to be robust you have to use at least 12 references – Google, Wikipedia will not be considered as authentic sources you will be marked down for using them. You can use company websites, Governmental & provincial websites of Canada, Labour laws both federal and provincial, updated textbooks, journal and industry papers etc.,
FORMATTING - You must include title page, list of references and appendices for this Exercise. APA style of formatting for font style, line spacing etc., must be used.
Provide all your sources of information that you have used to gather the numbers/figures along with hyperlinks that instructor can access in the list of references. NUMBER the references in your list.
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