Anthropologists, Geographers and Sociologists are concerned with articulations of social differences and social hierarchies created through Caste, Gender and Race, as well as the ways in which these hierarchies can be overcome. Social movements that address each of these identities have contributed greatly to how we envisage democratic politics. Consider each of these quotes from the readings and write an essay on how the women’s movement, the anti-caste political movements and movements against racism have created a more accessible space in democratic politics. You are encouraged to use examples from the readings. Quotes from the readings that act as prompts (to guide your argument) are:
The gendering of citizenship requires us to question and to challenge the fact that citizenship, a supposedly public identity, is produced and mediated by the supposedly private heterosexual patriarchal family. Feminist thought thus recognizes the patriarchal family as the basis for the secondary status of women in society, and hence the feminist slogan, ‘The personal is political.'- Menon 2012: 35.
‘…from Phule to Ambedkar, there has been a history of uncertainty and ambiguity as to the root causes of exploitation and the path to overcome it- Omvedt 1991: 428
“Negroes …are taught really to despise themselves from the moment their eyes open on the world. This world is white and they are black. White people hold the power, which means that they are superior to blacks (intrinsically, that is: God decreed it so), and the world has innumerable ways of making this difference known and felt and feared”. Baldwin, 1962
Here are some pointers for the essay:
We have designed our essay prompt in a way that makes you engage with the readings. Whenever you have such a prompt, it is important to identify the key words and concepts based on which a question is asked. The prompt is:
Anthropologists, Geographers and Sociologists are concerned with articulations of social differences and social hierarchies created through Caste, Gender and Race, as well as the ways in which these hierarchies can be overcome. Social movements that address each of these identities have contributed greatly to how we envisage democratic politics. Consider each of these quotes from the readings and write an essay on how the women’s movement, the anti-caste political movements and movements against racism have created a more accessible space in democratic politics. You are encouraged to use examples from the readings.
I have highlighted the key words/phrases here for you (usually we would like you to be able to identify these). Your essay needs to outline social movements based on gender, caste and race (use examples that are in the reading, but you can also ADD other examples). The key question here is HOW these movements have created a ‘more accessible space in democratic politics’. In other words, HOW have these movements (examples in the reading) have made it possible for matters of gender, caste a racial inequality be addressed.
The 3 quotes we have used from the readings are like hints. Please read these quotes carefully to help you structure your argument. For example, the quote from the Caste reading is as follows:
‘…from Phule to Ambedkar, there has been a history of uncertainty and ambiguity as to the root causes of exploitation and the path to overcome it- Omvedt 1991: 428
So, in this case, you need to highlight how there has been a lack of consensus in anti-caste movements from times of Phule to Ambedkar, and how at different stages, they have dealt with root casues of exploitation differently. Do they identify different root causes? If so, what is the implication?
Good essays will use the readings effectively and engage with examples from the readings, and highlight key points about different social movements- gender, caste and race.
Better essays will identify nuances in the argument put forward in each reading, and identify common themes across different social movements and each of the three readings.
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