Assignment: The Alliance For Positive Change is a non-profit organization that helps New Yorkers living with HIV and other chronic health conditions get the medical care, peer support, and housing assistance they need to achieve health, happiness, and sta



This assignment is for Master of Research Administration:

Assignment: The Alliance For Positive Change is a non-profit organization that helps New Yorkers living with HIV and other chronic health conditions get the medical care, peer support, and housing assistance they need to achieve health, happiness, and stability.

In the past 20 years, the organization has been receiving a continuous funding for the food & nutrition program, but this year, the funding has stopped and the organization is trying to find other ways to keep running the services and searching for new funds.

1-     How to assess risk management for Alliance’s Food & Nutrition Program? Please highlight the tools to guide the organization in the risk assessment?

2-     What is the best sustainable business model to keep the food & nutrition program running again? (Hints: Contracts with pharmaceutical companies or food companies for food about to expire to be served before the expiration date)

Note: Please take a look at the attachments (lecture notes) and the organization website:



Assignments’ requirements:

1-     5-pages. APA guidelines.

2-     You have to include in each assignment paper these elements of APA as discussed in the Purdue website and in the APA website: - -


3-     Each assignment must have a running header &page number at the top of each page.

4-     A page header also known as running head should be at the top of every page. To create page header (running head) insert page numbers flush right, then type your paper title in the header flush left using all capital letters.

5-     Don’t type running header into the page header section.

6-     The running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spaces and punctuations.

7-     The cover page &reference page will not be included in the page limitation.

8-     Assignment must reflect each element in the question.

9-     Twelve - point fonts, Times New Roman.

10- Double spaced, standard size page 8.5”-11” With 1” margin in all sides.



11- There are 4 areas in which students will receive ratings:

ü  Critical thinking and organization (45 % of the assignment grade)

ü  Knowledge of body of research (45% of the assignment grade)

ü  Academic presentation and following APA style (5 %)

ü  Grammar, Punctuation, syntax, structure and spelling (5%)


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