Based on your readings what factors contribute to health disparities related to race/ethnicity AND socioeconomic status?




1.    Based on your readings what factors contribute to health disparities related to race/ethnicity AND socioeconomic status? Are they the same for both? If so, explain how and if not, explain why not.


2.     Using the critical life models discussed in class and the readings, compare and contrast the critical period model and the accumulation of risk models. In your opinion, which model provides the most likely reason (in the case of the typical American) for the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and why?



3.    This chart from the CDC shows the racial/ethnic health disparity of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Apply at least one theory or model of health disparity to explain possible reasons for these disparities.  Feel free to provide examples that support your assertion


4.    Using the Camara Jones’ Levels of Racism as a framework.  Choose another “ism” (sexism, classism, ableism, etc.) and apply each level to that ism by providing examples. Account for all three levels. How do the levels of this “ism” apply to health disparities? 



5.    Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness details the various components that have led to the United States having the largest number of incarcerated persons in the world. How do you think this book relates to or informs health disparities? Provide examples. (You do not have to discuss racial health disparities, or prison health disparities.)

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