Critically assess Buffett’s investment philosophy. How does it compare to traditional finance theories? Where do you agree or disagree with him?



Assignment Integrate answers/discussions to the following questions into your memo. 

  • Critically assess Buffett’s investment philosophy. How does it compare to traditional finance theories? Where do you agree or disagree with him? 
  • Please forecast and discount the free cash flows to estimate the value of PCP (WACCmethod).
  • Use the material within the case and your own calculation to assess the bid for PCP. How does it compare with the firm’s intrinsic value? Should Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders endorse the acquisition?

The entire assignment needs to be no more than 2 pages but in the appendix section excel tables, calculations, or figures are needed if it is necessary. The last two bullet points highlighted with bold font style are the parts I would like to get help with. Thank you! 

* our school has strict plagiarism policy 

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